
Minna Amanda Nissila is an author, transformational speaker, ascension guide and coach, quantum life experiencer and time traveler with a super conscious and evolved mind. She is a quantum communicator with animals and benevolent, multidimensional beings, as well as, an energy and sound healer.


Minna Amanda Nissilä

For 20 years, Minna Amanda had a professional career as a technology Intellectual Property lawyer negotiating advanced scientific research and technology transfer agreements internationally in the field of Life Sciences.

At the age of 47

At the age of 47, after suffering dramatic, work related trauma for years, she realized she could no longer continue in the direction she was going. She started looking deeper into her childhood, personal relationships, and issues in her work environment. This led her out of her low self-esteem ego mind and into a sudden Kundalini spiritual awakening via a near-death experience to be a walk-in. The entire mystical process was orchestrated by her subconscious mind on autopilot as it tuned into guidance and assistance from higher vibrational, multidimensional light beings.


Turning point in her life

This was a turning point in her life. She awoke to a new kind of a human life; one including telepathic communication, clair senses, precognition, remote viewing, astral projection and extrasensory perception (ESP). She received huge downloads of information from Universal Quantum Consciousness, resulting in total transformation of all areas of her life within a few short years. Her journey of alignment with her core higher self had begun.

At the age of 50

At the age of 50, Minna Amanda made her first public appearance as a solo soprano. She sang classical and opera masterpieces such as J.S Bach, Mozart and Handel after only one year of learning and with no prior skills in voice. That same year, she left her job as a lawyer. The years of bullying and suffering finally came to an end as she stood up for her rights and reclaimed her power.


Psychic, synchronistic, and materialized experiences

She began to explore in depth her psychic, synchronistic, and materialized experiences. She found evidence and validation for her psychic experiences from Kundalini Yoga, esoteric and metaphysical literature, and consciousness science and research. She took courses on mediumship at Arthur Findlay College, a college of Spiritualism and psychic sciences in England and a variety of consciousness science based courses at the Monroe Institute in Virginia, U.S. Scientific testings done on her brain led to the discovery that she has extremely high gamma brainwave activity. As a so-called “superconscious” individual, she continues to act as a subject for consciousness research at the Division of Perceptual Studies-Lab, University of Virginia, U.S.

Extraordinary story

These transformational life experiences led Minna Amanda to share her extraordinary story and inner learning in order to help fellow human beings as they awaken to their own truths. Since everyone is connected to everything, this benefits all of humanity as it navigates the shared conscious evolution process occurring in the world today. She desires to help others achieve self-mastery in order to manifest their life missions and dreams into the material world, just as she is doing for herself.


Living in every NOW moment

When not speaking or performing internationally, you can find Minna Amanda experiencing the beauty of living in every NOW moment. She enjoys nature, traveling, quantum communication, and experiences in higher states of consciousness. Her relationships with the people and animals in her life deepen as she continues to learn more about herself and universal higher truths.